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OBJECTIVE: Available for positions with responsibilities in Software Development, International Sales and Marketing of Telecom equipment. Or Managerial responsibilities in Manufacturing or Testing environments.

Background: Telecommunications, Software Development, Politics and Finance.

Polyglot: Fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. Follows conversation in Italian, Rumanian and Catalan.

Salary Requirements:  Negotiable.             Availability:   Immediately

Relocation:  I could relocate to other county, state, or –even-another country



February 1997   to   Present : Period of Contractual Employment with …

  • Independent Technologies Corp.    ( )

  • 11422 Miracle Hills Drive, Suite 500,  Omaha, NE 68154, US

On their payroll –as regular employee- from June 1998 to Jan. 2002

Ref:  Daryl Ingalsbe, Pres.; Tim O’Dell, Senior VP; Hank Smith VP Sales;  402 496-4700

1.        Freelance GUI Developer.  I started my relationship with ITC soon after my departure from LodgeNet .  Short in software personnel, they contracted my services to develop –working from my home in Hartford, SD- graphic user interfaces (GUI) for their instruments.   On November of 1997 I relocated to Florida (Presidential Towers, Suite 1214, 2501 S. Ocean Drive, Hollywood, FL) to study the possibility of becoming an International Distributor for ITC’s products.  My website used to be; still I own that domain name, but is currently being used for another project.  Returned to the Dakotas on April of 1998, from where I continued developing GUI software in Visual C++ for ITC.

2.       Director in the Software Department. Offered a permanent position as Director in the Software Department (R&D building in New London, MN) I relocated to St. Cloud, MN, in June of 1998.  Started by developing a client/server Oracle application for our main customer (Sprint Corporation, FON Group, Overland Park, KS).  Written mostly in C++, Windows NT, and with ODBC connectivity, the program –known as “Contracts and Commissions”- calculates commissions due on 60,000 public phones, and administers the 50,000 contracts of those phones. Can be easily adapted to work with other DBMS engines. For two years I had an office at Sprint’s HQ (in Overland Park, KS), and ITC covered my apartment expenses in Lenexa, KS. 

3.       Vice President of International Sales   Promoted in June of 2000, after completion of project (and expiration of the Sprint’s contract). Relocation to Florida was necessary. We settled this time near Deerfield Beach.  Yet, remuneration was now 100% based on commissions. Telecom sales were in recession.  In January 2002, we pretty much abandoned international efforts.

4.       Independent Sales Agent   ITC’s R&D Software Center is in New London, MN, I wanted to stay in Florida, we like it here.  Also hopeful that the recession in telecom sales might end some day.  I am in excellent terms with former employer, still selling some of their products at eBay, but since January of 2002 as an independent sales agent.  Please visit my website (selling their consumer products, such as the extra-sized LED caller ID: Bright ID’er ®).  But, I can only make residual income with these efforts.  Actively looking for a full time position.


February 1994   to   February 1997 :

  • LodgeNet Entertainment Corp.     ( )

  • 3900 West Innovation Street,   Sioux Falls, SD 57107-7002, US

Dates Employed: 1994-1997          (Supervisor: Tim Flynn, President.    Phone: 605 988-1000.)

Manager of International Licensing.  Negotiated all hardware and software technology licensing agreements with business partners in Latin America and Asia. Our systems were successfully deployed in Japan, Korea, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.  Responsibilities included: Search for "Licensees"; review their operations and proposals; qualify candidates; make recommendations to CEO/COO; negotiate Letter-or-Intent / Licensing Agreement; migration of technology (software localization, software licensing, permits); export's clearance; determination of harmonized codes; coordinate training and technical support; quotes preparation; analysis/reporting on sales statistics; accounting on royalties and remittance taxes.


University of Colorado.  Boulder Campus.  Telecommunications Program.

Ø       I am inserting this information here to help HR personnel with a better resume synopsis. All my degrees are shown on the last page (Education).   As you can see there, I earned a Master degree in Telecom in 1993 .  An era when many network technologies where sprouting (ATM, FDDI, Token Ring, Frame Relay, SMDS, wireless,...).  The topics that attracted my professional interest were Satellite transmission and budgeting of uplinks and downlinks; cellular technology and network protocols (Thesis based on TCP/IP).


Ø       During the 1980’s I worked mostly in Software.  Founded software ventures that develop database engines.  Also worked in development of software to test storage devices in a manufacturing plant.

February 1991   to   February 1994 :   Animal Science Software International

201 East River St., Two Rivers, WI 54241.

Also under DairySoft (registered in 1992 in Boulder, Colorado, ), and from

December 1980   to   February 1986 as Scientific Software

P.O. Box 2430, Old San Juan, PR 00903

Ø       Scientific Software had been originally registered in 1978 in Suffolk county, Long Island, NY.  Notice this is about the same year when Oracle and Microsoft were founded.  Eventually, lacking proper venture capital -and after a long protracted struggle- all my startups had to be closed.

President, Owner, Software Developer For eight years (1981-1986 and from 1991-1994) I developed -in "C"- applications for the agribusiness industry. These copyrighted packages (XUNA D.M.I.S. and DECADE D.M.I.S) were database management systems, for modern and cost effective way of operating a dairy farm. 


1986 to  1991 :   Test Engineer.

Storage Technology Inc.      ( )

One StorageTek Drive, Louisville, CO 80028. Employed: 1986-1991 (Supervisor: Victor Perez, VP. 303 673-5151)

Ø       Production Manager (PR), SAS Programmer at Puerto Rico plant. Then promoted to Production Manager, responsible for Board Test, System Test, and Burn-room.

Ø       Test Software Engineer (CO)   In 1988 I was transferred to the headquarters in Louisville, CO, there:

(1)      Wrote SAS programs to retrieve data sets, and then combine them, to generate Annual Labor Standards, and other operations’ reports needed at the plant.

(2)     Implemented a database for the Disposition of Electronic Boards (either Rework/Refurbishing or Scrap).  I created the ROSI formula (Rework or Scrap Intelligently) using an innovative curve-fitting algorithm based on a Hermite Polynomial. It became the standard determination tool in CO and PR.

(3)     Developed in C language a Channel Emulator (Chameleon) to diagnose our solid-state memory devices.

(4)     AUTO-MDL (Automatic Machine Defect Log) codenamed Toucan.  It was –perhaps- the most critical piece of software that I created at STK. Written in C, with INFORMIX as DBMS, and UNIX OS. It interfaced with users, particle counters, bar-code readers, environmental stress chamber, etc.

(5)     Developed the AUTS-Tape (Automatic Unit Test System for Tape Products) to allow for automatic unmanned testing and data collection from Tape Transport units, and corresponding Control Units.


Ø       Graduated in 1974 from the University of Puerto Rico (BSEE in Electronics and Radiating Systems).  During the late 1970’s I worked with radars, ATC systems, avionics, and airline’s datacom systems.

British Airways       ( )

75-20 Astoria Blvd,  Jackson Heights, NY 11370  (Used to be located in 245 Park Ave., NYC)

Dates Employed: 1977-1980          (Supervisor: Jim Wheeler. Phone: 800 545-7644.)

Telecommunications Officer  Worked four years for this Airline, in a rich environment of computer networks and high-tech telecommunications equipment. I was part of a small team of Engineers who maintained the BOADICEA Reservation System, including software upgrades and data traffic-control. Worked "on-call" 24 hours, often having to do immediate air shuttling to BA's ticket offices (at many US airports: NY-JFK, Washington-Dulles, Boston-Logan,…) where we would do on-site troubleshooting and repairs. This reservation system was at the time one of the world's largest long-haul telecom network. Carried not only BA traffic, but that of many other hosts (Air India, Cunard, Quantas, South African Airways, TAP, ...). I left British Airways to found my first software venture in Puerto Rico.


Airborne Instruments Laboratories ( A. I. L. )   (    and )

Route 110  (Suffolk County, Long Isl.)  Farmingdale, NY  - Dates Employed: 1974-77 (Supervisor: Bob Olson, Engineering Dir.)

 Radar Engineer, International Trainer.  I worked on development and field installations of Secondary Surveillance Radars (AN TPX 42). Traveled to South America (Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil) for installations at airfields, and for the training of air-traffic controllers in these systems.   AIL used to be a Division of Cutler-Hammer, then was bought by Eaton. In May of 2000 AIL merged with EDO Corp.


PSA Peugeot-Citroën S.A.   ( )

Avenida de Citroën 3 y 5,  36210 Vigo, Spain  - (Supervisor: [34-986] 21-50-50 )

Industrial Officer Mechanical Draftsman, Lathe and Milling Machine Operator. Automobile manufacturer.  Citroën awarded me with a Scholarship (for an Associate Degree in Mechanical / Industrial Engineering) . After graduating Summa Cum Laude, I accepted an offer made by this car-manufacturer to join their ranks. With 10,000 employees in Vigo, Spain, this is their largest automobile operation in Spain.

Granted an Electrical Engineering Scholarship, by the CONDE DE FENOSA Foundation (, I left Citroën to start Engineering studies (Barcelona, Spain).


JOB-RELATED TRAINING COURSES:  JIT (Just in Time), SPC (Statistical Process Control), MRP (Material Requirements Planning), COBOL, PROLOG, and … many more courses and seminars.


Military Service: I became US citizen in 1976. Before then, from Sep. 1970 to Dec. 1971, I served in the Spanish Armed Forces (Military Police. Madrid. Spain).



Universidad de Vigo, Spain ( )

Asso. Industrial Engineering, Degree received in 1965, 125 Semester Hours

Major: Industrial Machinist (Lathe and Milling Machine);  Minor: Industrial Drafting

GPA equ. to: 3.96 out of 4;   Honors: Summa Cum Laude (passed board with Sobresaliente)


University of Puerto Rico, School of Engineering, Mayagüez, PR , US ( )

Bachelor of  Sciences in Electrical Engineering, Degree received in 1974,  117 Semester Hours

Major: Electronics;  Minor: Radars, Antennas and Radiating Systems

GPA: 3.49 out of 4;    Honors: Magna Cum Laude


Inter American University , Cagüas, PR , US ( )

Master in Business Administration. Pending Board Exam for Degree, 1985, 60 Semester Hours

Major: Business Administration, Accounting;   Minor: Taxes and Finances.    GPA: 3.67 out of 4

Note: I left San Juan before passing to the final Board exam (compulsory for granting of degree).


Colorado State University; Fort Collins, CO, US ( )

Ph. D. in Computer Sciences.  Not finished! 1993-94  (16 credits, about ¼ of credit requirements)

Major: Computer Sciences;   GPA: 3.5 out of 4

Note: Due to personal circumstances studies were interrupted in 1994, and accepted offer by LodgeNet.


University of Colorado,  Boulder, CO, US ( )

Master of Sciences in Telecommunications.  Degree received in 1993;  60 Semester Hours

Major: Telecommunications;  Minor: Satellite, Cellular, and Network Protocols;   GPA: 3.69 out of 4



For scans of academic credentials, and newspaper articles, please visit my website:



1 Colorado State Graduate Grant

2 TAU BETA PI (Engineering Honor Society). Treasurer and Secretary

3 Summa Cum Laude and Magna Cum Laude undergraduate degrees

4 Scholarship granted by Fundación Pedro Barrié de la Maza "Conde de Fenosa"  ( )

5 Citröen-Hispania Scholarships



Ø       C, C++, Java, Visual C++, Visual J++, Visual Basic, SAS, Prolog, Cobol, Fortran, Assembly, ...

Ø       MFC, WFC, RNI, JNI, J/Direct, Java/COM, OLE, ActiveX, Oracle, Informix, ODBC, JDBC ...

Ø       Milling and Lathe Machinist, ... and LNC programmer.

Ø       Founded two software companies (Scientific Software, and Animal Science Software Int'l).

Ø       Academic background in Biological Sciences (uncommon in EE/CS Engineer curriculums).

Ø       Polyglot: I do speak English, Spanish (vernacular), Portuguese (vernacular Old-Portuguese: Galician) and French. Wife is a Brazilian-born American citizen.

  • John (Juan) Xuna

  • Stuart, FL 34997

  • "LEGACY WEBSITE": Will remain unaltered for foreseeable future.

Phn: 772 324-1123           Fax: 561 210-1370

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